What’s in the mix?
Frontier Ready Mix uses only the best raw materials and add mix products for our concrete mix. We only deal with the best suppliers, underscoring our demand for quality, and integrity as a leader in the ready mix industry. If you have any questions or require additional information about a particular material, please contact our quality control advisor or the appropriate supplier representative. The contact numbers are adjacent to their product category.
Frontier Ready Mix, Inc.: Quality Control, Ed Shearer (727) 544-1000
100% of our aggregate materials come from Cemex. The central Florida mines we draw from are local, keeping our delivery cost and global environmental impact to a minimum. Cemex is the world’s largest producer of aggregate materials. The quality control and screening process employed by them is the best in the industry. We can count on consistent gradation ensuring a consistent predictable concrete mix with every load delivered. Beware of any ready mix supplier that buys the cheapest stone in town. That material is generally shipped or trucked in from the Southern region or from the islands. Many times, this material has a very high alkali content causing your reinforcing to rust and deteriorate inside your structure.
Gradation reports and sieve analysis surveys for our aggregates are always available for our customer submittals when requested.
Rick Diaz, Cemex Aggregate division (813) 433-4539
Our bulk cement is manufactured by American Cement. American Cement is a top quality producer delivering very predictable results. The material and service we receive from American Cement is representative of the type of quality we expect our team to deliver to our own customers. Mill certificates are available upon request.
Marty Smith, American Cement, Territory Manager (352) 502-0142
Our add mix chemicals are a proprietary formulation that are application specific. These reduce the amount of water required for hydration, chemically induce air into the mix, decrease set time, and improve the general workability of the mix.
These compounds are made specifically for use in volumetric mixers. There are many less expensive, similar products on the market today, but if you expect to be the best, you must buy the best. We will stick with Darcole.
Billy Frields, Darcole Products (270) 957-0354
Clean, potable water. That’s right! Water safe for drinking is cleansed of unwanted organic materials that often have deleterious effects on concrete. Well water often has a strong sulfur content containing rust from the well casing. This brown/orange staining will come to the surface of your slab and cannot be removed. Algae can also be transferred to your concrete by not using clean potable water. Black spots and spauling can occur when algae is present. Clean water is expensive, but the alternative can be disastrous.
Cem-Fil 61/1
Our fiber reinforcing is delivered in rolls similar at first glance to a bobbin of thread. The rolls are actually multiple strands wound in a neat spool. The tail end of the spool is inserted into a pneumatic rotary cutter. When then concrete mixer is feeding the raw material into the auger, the cutter is activated, and the cut strands are blown down a tube into the concrete mix. This method insures an even distribution of the fiber throughout the blended materials during the mixing process. Don’t settle for a company that just tosses a handful in the hopper by their “trained eye “and “experience” … This will lead to spotty distribution of the fiber and quite possibly a very weak concrete. Our system requires regular maintenance to ensure peak performance. Maintenance is a mantra at Frontier. Our mixers work.
Our fiber feeders are fully adjustable. Tell our dispatcher what your requirements are, and we will be ready on the job.
Serving Pinellas, Pasco, and Hillsborough County’s. Call us in Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tampa, Tarpon Springs, Pinellas Park, Dunedin, Safety Harbor.